With summer here, families will be jumping in their RVs for a nice road trip vacation. These can quickly become expensive, so it’s important to save money where you can, including at the pump. Here are a few tips to help improve your RV’s gas mileage to keep you from constantly filling up on your road trip.
Reduce Speed
By lowering your speed, you can help increase your fuel economy. Often times your RV struggles to achieve and hold a higher speed. That means that instead of just traveling through miles and miles of highways, take the back roads when you can. These generally have lower speed limits and also give you and the family a nice chance to take in some sights you don’t get to see while flying down a highway.
Avoid Rush Hour
Always do what you can to not travel during rush hour. Doing so will cause you to idle in traffic quite a bit, in turn lowering your gas mileage. Also, no one wants to spend a vacation in bumper-to-bumper traffic, either, so if you can travel on off-peak hours, you can spend more time making up the miles between you and your destination.
Check Tires
Make it a point to regularly check your tires during your travels. There are all sorts of hazards on the road, and you may accidentally run over something that could cause a slow leak in one of your tires. By checking all of your tires whenever you stop, you may be able to catch a slow leak or soft tire and repair the problem. Underinflated tires are more in contact with the road, in turn meaning that your RV’s engine has to work a bit harder to move the vehicle forward. Keeping your tires properly inflated ensures you get the best mileage.
Check Your Exhaust
Another way to guarantee your engine is as efficient as possible is to make sure that your exhaust system is working properly. Sometimes the exhaust on your stock RV may be too small for the engine output, meaning that your motor can get choked on exhaust. Changing out the factory-installed exhaust for a high-flow muffler can help your engine work more efficiently, notes Motor Home Magazine.
Beyond making sure everything looks good under the hood, Hemet Valley RV Siding & Storage in California offers aluminum and fiberglass and aluminum RV siding and paneling to help your RV look its best on the outside. To learn more about our services or to discuss the needs of your RV, call us today at 951-765-5075!